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The Countdown is On

happy new year 2018

Just hours left to go in this, the final hours of 2017; and I have barely blogged at all this year. But I DID take lots of pics during the spring/summer to share in the coming year. So hopefully blogging will seem less of a challenge this coming year….hee hee hee

But, as is my tradition, no New Year’s resolutions here. If you don’t know why, you can visit my blog post Something Different for New Year’s Resolutions . It will explain why I don’t put any restrictions on myself when looking forward to a New Year.

Instead I choose a New Year’s Word to reflect on during the year. It has never failed me yet, that my chosen word has presented itself innumerable times each year.  2017’s word was “Magical” and I can’t even begin to count the number of times that the word came into play during this year. Nothing more can describe my journey this past year other than magical, and I will be sharing bits of it in the coming weeks.

I had an extensive list gathered for the choosing of 2018’s word- some heavy contenders were opportunity, adventure, spontaneous, grow, challenge, inspire, flourish, and lots more. In the end, what won out for the upcoming year is the word “Dream”.  So excited to see where this one will take me. The possibilities are endless….dream job, dream big, live your dream, daydream, dream weaver, dream catcher…who knows, maybe it’ll be a dream come true?

Let’s remind everybody to Dream 🙂

Have a Happy New Year and catch ya on the flip side 😉
